Vangmay Mandal Committee


Objective behind the establishment of Vangamaymandal is to inculcate and nourish the basic language skills of students as Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing as well as to make them enable to converse, to criticize, to appreciate the literature of Particular language.

The students are the center of all activities, Sanskrit, English, Hindi and Marathi Departments organize programmes to cultivate all the language skills from basic level to prime level.

The prime aim of Department is to motivate the students to create literature and enable them to criticise and appreciate literature

Department arranges various programmes and extensive activities as an opportunity to flourish the talent budding writer and poet .

Department organizes guest lecturers, speeches of imminent personalities from the world of literature.

Dr Medha Gosavi is the In charge of department, Dr Rajendra Sonwane and Dr Sangita Sasane both assists her in the department


  • To motivate student to create literature
  • To organize various programme of Sanskrit, Marathi, Hindi and English language on college level
  • To inculcate interest among the students about literature
  • To increase the knowledge of Languages among the students
  • To organize various programmes on the occasion of Sawarkar Mahotsav as Speech Competition ,Essay Competition , Poem Recitation etc
  • To organize programmes with the consent of all the members of Department

Practice of Department

  • Annual Planning has been prepared by all the members
  • All activities are organized as per the Annual Planning
  • Student is the center of all activities
  • The students have been motivated to participate in all the activities


  • The students enable to take interest in literature
  • The students have been motivated to create literature
  • The Knowledge of the students about literature and language has been enhanced.
  • The students enable to take opportunity to enhance knowledge and skills of language
  • The students enable to nurture soft skills of language.
Academic Year 2017-18
Sr. No. Name of the Activity Date No. of Students Participated
1 Hindi din 14/09/2017 60
2 Wallpaper 26/01/2018 01
3 Sanskrit din 08/08/2017 50
4 Wallpaper 26/01/2018 09
5 Marathi bhasha Gaurav din 02/02/2017 25
6 Wallpaper 26/01/2017 03
Academic Year 2018-19
1 Hindi din 14/09/2018 56
2 Wallpaper 26/01/2019 02
3 Sanskrit din 08/08/2018 40
4 Wallpaper 15/08/2019 05
5 Marathi bhasha Gaurav din 02/02/2018 30
6 Wallpaper 15/08/2018 03
Academic Year 2019-20
1 Hindi din 14/09/2019 56
2 Wallpaper 14/09/2019 02
3 Sanskrit din 22/08/2019 40
4 Wallpaper 22/08/2019 05
5 Marathi bhasha Gaurav din 02/02/2019 30
6 Wallpaper 15/08/2019 03
Academic Year 2020 -21
1 Sanskrit din 21/08/2021 25 (Online)
Academic Year 2021 -22
1 Sanskrit din 24/08/2021 40
2 Wallpaper 26/01/2022 02
3 Marathi bhasha Gaurav din 27/02/2022 35
4 Nibandh Spardha 12/01/2022 15
Academic Year 2022 -23
1 Sanskrit din 29/08/2022 25
2 Hindi din 14/09/2022 23
3 Marathi bhasha Sanvardhan pandharwada 24/01/2023 30
4 Marathi bhasha Gaurav din 27/02/2023 35
5 Nibandh Spardha 12/01/2023 15

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