Anti Raging Committee



The Anti-Ragging Committee of our college aims to create a safe and welcoming environment for all students, free from any form of ragging or harassment. The committee is dedicated to promoting a culture of respect, empathy, and mutual understanding among students, fostering a positive and inclusive campus atmosphere.


1. Prevention of Ragging: The primary objective of the committee is to prevent ragging incidents on campus. It aims to raise awareness about the harmful consequences of ragging and create a strong deterrent against such activities through effective preventive measures.

2. Orientation and Sensitization: The committee aims to sensitize incoming students about the negative impact of ragging and the importance of treating fellow students with respect and dignity. It organizes orientation programs to educate students about the college's anti-ragging policy and relevant laws.

3. Establishing Reporting Mechanisms: The committee's objective is to establish easily accessible and confidential reporting mechanisms for students to report any incidents of ragging. It ensures that complaints are handled promptly, impartially, and with utmost confidentiality.

4. Counseling and Support: The committee aims to provide counseling and support to victims of ragging. It ensures that affected students receive appropriate assistance and guidance to cope with any emotional or psychological distress caused by such incidents.

5. Monitoring and Surveillance: The committee is responsible for monitoring the campus environment to detect and prevent any potential ragging activities. It collaborates with security personnel and college authorities to maintain a vigilant presence on campus.

6. Ragging Awareness Programs: The committee organizes regular awareness programs and workshops for students, faculty, and staff to foster a strong anti-ragging culture on campus. These programs emphasize the importance of creating a respectful and inclusive college community.

7. Disciplinary Actions: In cases where ragging is confirmed, the committee aims to take prompt and appropriate disciplinary actions against the perpetrators, in accordance with college policies and legal provisions. This ensures a strong message against ragging and upholds a zero-tolerance policy.

8. Coordination with Authorities: The committee works in coordination with local law enforcement agencies and relevant authorities to address any severe or criminal incidents of ragging. It ensures that the necessary legal actions are taken against those involved in such activities.

9. Regular Review and Improvement: The committee conducts periodic reviews of its activities and effectiveness. It aims to continuously improve its preventive measures and response mechanisms to ensure the college remains a safe and secure space for all students.

10. Community Engagement: The committee actively engages with students, faculty, and staff to encourage everyone's participation in promoting a ragging-free campus. It fosters a sense of collective responsibility and encourages the entire college community to be vigilant against ragging.

In conclusion, the Anti-Ragging Committee in our college has set clear aims and objectives to ensure a safe and respectful learning environment for all students. By working towards these objectives, the committee strives to create a campus free from ragging and harassment, promoting the overall well-being and academic success of every student.

Standard Operating Procedure

The Anti-Ragging Committee plays a crucial role in maintaining a safe and conducive environment for all students at our college. This SOP outlines the standard procedures and guidelines to prevent and address any incidents of ragging, ensuring a harassment-free campus for every individual.

1. Committee Composition The Anti-Ragging Committee shall be formed according to the guidelines with representatives from various stakeholders, including Principal as a chairman, a member secretory, men Staaf representatives (Two), Women Staff representative, Non- teaching Staff Representative, Guardian member Representative, Girl’s student representative (Two), Boys student representative, Journalist representative, Police representative.

2. Goal and Objectives The primary goal of the Anti-Ragging Committee is to eliminate ragging in all its forms and promote a culture of respect, empathy, and inclusivity within the college community. The committee's objectives include: a. Creating awareness about the consequences of ragging among students. b. Implementing preventive measures to deter incidents of ragging. c. Promptly addressing and resolving any reported ragging incidents. d. Providing support and counseling to victims and taking appropriate actions against perpetrators.

3. Awareness and Prevention a. Orientation Program: The committee shall conduct anti-ragging orientation programs at the beginning of each academic year to educate all students about the college's zero-tolerance policy towards ragging. b. Information Dissemination: The committee shall display anti-ragging posters, banners, and pamphlets across the college premises, highlighting the strict penalties for engaging in ragging activities. c. Interactive Sessions: Interactive sessions and workshops shall be organized to sensitize students about the impact of ragging on individuals and the college's reputation. 4. Ragging Monitoring a. Helpline and Reporting Mechanism: The committee shall establish a dedicated helpline number and an online reporting system to ensure students can easily report any incidents of ragging confidentially. b. Surveillance: Regular monitoring of common areas and hostels shall be conducted to identify and prevent potential ragging activities. c. Faculty Involvement: Faculty members shall be actively involved in monitoring student behavior and promptly reporting any suspicious activities to the committee.

5. Incident Handling a. Immediate Action: Upon receiving a report of ragging, the committee shall take immediate action to verify the authenticity of the complaint and provide necessary support to the victim. b. Confidentiality: The committee shall ensure strict confidentiality of the identity of the complainant and the victim during the investigation process. c. Inquiry Committee: An inquiry committee shall be constituted to conduct a thorough investigation into the reported incident and gather evidence. d. Disciplinary Action: If the inquiry confirms the occurrence of ragging, the committee shall recommend appropriate disciplinary actions as per college rules and legal provisions.

6. Support and Counseling a. Victim Support: The committee shall provide necessary support and counseling to the victim to help them cope with the emotional and psychological impact of the incident. b. Rehabilitation: The committee shall take measures to rehabilitate the victim and ensure their safety on campus.

7. Legal Compliance The committee shall work in compliance with the guidelines and regulations set forth by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and other relevant authorities regarding anti-ragging measures.

8. Annual Report The committee shall prepare an annual report summarizing the activities, actions taken, and the overall effectiveness of the anti-ragging initiatives.

9. Communication and Awareness The committee shall regularly communicate with students, faculty, and staff about its ongoing efforts, achievements, and ways to prevent ragging.

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